Is this the real life, or is it just fantasy.
When it comes to a black President the movies and television screens gave us our very first taste of this experience. From James Earl jones portrayal of President Douglass Dillman in “The Man” in 1972 to MoganFreeman in “Deep Impact” in 1998, we were well prepared for the real thing, then along came President Barack Hussein Obama. For this lover of the escapism that the movies and television provided, I was surely ready for the big come down after that cold January day, in 2009. Seven years later I’ve come to find that reality is so much better than fantasy. The mere fact that President Obama joined the list of 17 other Presidents to serve more than one term should put him in the annals of great Presidents. Although harshly criticized, President Obama’s accomplishments are equal to or even overshadows the feats of the other great Men to hold this office.
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e Clowns.
Before he was sworn in, President Obama faced a runaway economy that swallowed jobs, houses and pushed many people to the brink of financial ruin. The country was engulfed in a war in Iraq and Afganistan and at home, a BP rig explosion left the Gulf coast and its inhabitants covered in oil. On top of all of this a new group of mostly angry white men, “The Tea party”, went around the country, spewing racist rhetoric, crying about how “they wanted their country back”. These mobs were fired up by disrespectful Politicians who pointed fingers in the Presidents face and Congressmen who called him a liar as he gave his first State of the Union address. Right-wing Political pundit Rush Limbaugh making the retarded statement “I hope Obama fail”.Through all the lunacy and hate, President Obama stuck to his guns signing his very first piece of legislation “the Lilly Ledbetter fair pay act”, that challenged equal pay in the workforce. An economic stimulus bill and the historic Affordable Care act is fondly known as “Obama Care” followed. This would’ve been enough to seal his legacy but he did not stop there. Nominating Two women to Supreme Court while capturing America’s number one enemy, “Osama Bin Laden” and capping it all off with winning the Nobel Peace Prize. One would be hard pressed to find a President with these accomplishments in two terms, mind you these deeds were done in less than one term.
Will the real Men Stand up?
We all have our critics and no man is perfect on God’s green Earth but to deny Obama credit for helping to turn around an economy on the brink of depression in downright blasphemous. The way the First Family handled themselves in public with such dignity and grace, makes these attacks on them seem personal as if it had something to do with the color of their skin. You don’t have to be black to be proud of this family, they have made America proud and “Great again”. President Obama gives you the feeling that the adults are finally in charge of America and its policies. All you have to do is take a good look at the Republican candidates running, in the 2016 primary races. Barack and Michelle’s daughters Malia and Sasha have conducted themselves like pros. as they navigate their teenage years under the glaring spotlight in the home of the leader of the free World. With the exception of Isis, i think the world is largely at peace. The Nobel committee prophesize it when they awarded President Obama. The violence and troubles in “Chiraq” (Chicago) bother me more than Iraq or Afganistan.
Obama’s Legacy building time.
Normalizing relations with Cuba is one of those policies by President Obama that will no doubt seal his legacy. This outdated foreign relations policy punished Fidel Castro and Cuba people while America did Buisness and had relations other dictators and human rights violators. Once again President Obama stepped in to end this fifty-year foreign policy childlike squabble. Lifting sanctions on Iran is another foreign policy where President Obama caught some flack. Placing economic sanctions on Countries, that helps to cripple the infrastructure of a country is an easy way to create Terrorist. At press time, President Obama’s biggest impediment has been a Republican lead do nothing Congress. This body of white angry men had promised to block any policy or plan President Obama put forth from the beginning at the expense of the American public. They are currently refusing to meet with Merrick Garland who President Obama nominated to fill the vacated seat on the Supreme Court.
As the curtain close on a presidency that was judged harshly by his critics and political pundits, I am glad i got to witness these last eight years that not a lot of black people thought they’d ever see. With a job well done you made us proud Mr. President. A black Man leading the highest office in the land and doing it with dignity and class. A Man, first lady and children who lift up a standard and raised the bar on the Presidency. Thank you, Mr.President, Barack Hussein Obama.
Hi I’m Melvin Best, founder and director of the Harlem Film Institute. I am an educator, avid film lover and all around nice guy.